best bicycle for seniors

Best Bicycle for Seniors: Top 5 Bikes for the Elderly (2021)

It feels like there are so many bikes out there these days, which one is best for you? If you're looking for the best bicycle for seniors, you may be struggling with your search.

What features should you be looking for to give you the best ride and will a bike bring you any real benefit?

We'll be looking at the benefits of cycling as a senior and also the best line up of bikes, factoring in comfort, frames and different types of bikes.

Want to know more?

What are the Health Benefits of Riding a Bike for Seniors?

Cycling is a sport that is good for everyone but for seniors the health benefits are different, so let's check them out!

Lower Stress Levels

Nobody likes stress, it can impact us in many ways, emotionally and psychically.

By getting out and jumping on your bike, you can beat stress.

Cycling isn't stressful, the exercise allows your body to move in a smooth motion and there isn't any stress on your muscles.

It's a good way to strength your heart and get a good workout without putting stress on your joints.

Weight Management

Weight is something we can all struggle with.

Being overweight when you're older can bring about it's own problems; potential of diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis. Obviously, these aren't good for your health or wellbeing.

Another thing we all know isn't good for us but we can struggle with and that's being overweight.

Biking for seniors can be a fantastic way to keep the weight off and your muscles moving.

The great (and addictive) thing about cycling is that the more time you spend on your bike, you find the further you're able to go, that in turn increases the amount of time you're exercising and so helps keep your weight off even more.

Healthy Heart

Heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, you know about them, I'm sure. Keeping a healthy heart is a good way to try and prevent them.

One thing doctors do like to recommend is bicycles for the elderly as it's a good way to keep your heart in shape and it helps your body to produce more oxygen.

Keeps Your Memory Ticking Over

The thought of losing your memory is an awful thought, regardless of ages. Sadly, as we age, the chance of this happening goes up.

Whilst cycling won't completely prevent this, it does give you a good chance. Taking your bike out for a ride makes your body work harder, it gets your blood pumping round your body and your brain stays oxygenated better.

It's also worth keeping in mind that riding a bike isn't a thoughtless exercise, you do need to think about things, where you're going and what you're doing, which gear to be in, traffic, etc. You're going to be using your brain so it helps to keep it active!

Different Types of Bikes for Seniors

There are plenty of bikes to choose from!

  • Electric bikes
  • Recumbent bikes
  • Three-wheel bikes
  • Step-through bikes
  • Mountain bikes
  • Road bikes
  • Hybrid bikes

Depending on how you like to ride, will have an impact on what type of bike will suit you - we'll get to that further down!

Which Kind of Bike is Easiest to Ride for Seniors?

bike for seniors

There are lots of different types of bikes out there from road bikes to mountain bikes to cruiser bikes.

Which one is best, comes down to you, your preference and capabilities.

There are different bikes for different terrains and purposes so consider what type of bike you want to ride and that should help you decide what is easiest for you.

Below we've put together a list of the best bikes for seniors so that could help you narrow down your search!

How to Choose the Right Bike for Seniors?


When you're looking at a bike, you usually have three different materials you can choose from (depending on your budget); aluminum, steel and carbon fiber.

There is the slight curve ball of titanium but they tend to be quite expensive and not all that common.

If you're after a bike on a budget, then a steel frame is your answer.

Plenty of manufacturers continue to use steel for their frames as it's a great material to use. It's extremely durable, though the heaviest option.

Carbon fiber is the most expensive option but is lightweight so does make a good option for bicycles for senior citizens in that respect.

However, sitting in the middle of those two materials is the aluminum frame. Sure, it's not as durable as steel but nor is it as heavy. It's not a pricey as carbon fiber, it's stronger but not lighter - close in some cases though!


Alright, so handlebars are important but having the right type of handlebars can make a big difference as it can increase your stability, comfort and handling when you're out on a ride.

What you tend to find with entry-level bikes is that the handlebars are made from aluminum alloy. As you look at more expensive bikes in the range, handlebars are usually made from carbon fiber.

It's difficult to recommend the best handlebar for someone as they're quite personal but there are a few questions to ask yourself to find the right one:

  • Will these handlebars work with the type of cycling you want to do?
  • Are you comfortable - this includes your body and your hands.
  • Do you get the level of control you want?


Choosing a saddle for your bike is unquestionably tricky.

Sometimes the instinct is to go for the biggest, softest one you can find and sometimes that works out but not always.

If the saddle your bike comes with isn't comfortable, we would recommend a saddle fit service, this can be done in your local bike shop and they will be able to recommend the best saddle specifically for you.


Everybody wants a comfortable ride and there are few things to look for to try and ensure that.

Step through bikes for seniors is a popular choice as these frames make mounting and dismounting easier so it makes for a more comfortable ride in that sense.

If you're looking for an upright position to get you comfortable then a road bike possibly isn't the answer. A hybrid bike or comfort bike does offer good road riding capabilities without the aggressiveness of a road bike setup.


Suspension is there to reduce any bumps or road vibrations you may encounter when you ride.

When considering the best bike for seniors, a front suspension is a good setup. However, full suspension is likely to be too much as simply not needed.


When it comes to safety you need to think about the brake you'll have on your bike.

In an ideal world you should be aiming to have hydraulic disc brakes but they do add weight and if you're only planning on riding around the block, it's not needed.

Always wear a helmet, no matter how low you perceive the risk to be.

Gears & Shifting

Gears are important on any bike. Depending on the type of riding you like to do, will influence the number of gears you need.

Generally speaking, it's good to have some gears, a 7-speed setup will get you most places. When you go above 20 gears, you should find yourself able to ride almost anywhere!

Our Top 5 Bikes for Seniors

1. Schwinn Discover Hybrid

best bike for seniors

The Schwinn Discover hybrid bike is incredibly popular amongst all age groups.

One reason why this is one of the best bikes for seniors is because the whole design concept of this bike is focusing on performance and reliability so you can be sure of a comfortable ride and a reliable one.

As bikes for seniors it works well because of the frame, as depending on the model you choose, it comes with a step-through frame. This makes for easier mounting and dismounting.

Another reason this is possibly the best hybrid bike for seniors is how durable the frame is. The durability gives you the confidence that it's strong and going to give you a good riding experience.

Schwinn make sure that you're comfortable by fitting the Discover hybrid bike with adjustable handlebars so you can find the right setup for you.

One of the most attractive features this bike has is that it has a 21-speed SRAM drivetrain, this means that you will have plenty of gears to work through, giving you the confidence to take on a variety of terrains with relative ease.

Overall, the Schwinn Discover is an attractive bicycle for seniors as it's well priced, with plenty of features and a comfortable riding position.


  • Aluminum frame
  • Twist shifters make gear changing a breeze
  • 21-speed SRAM drivetrain
  • The suspension fork adds to the ride


  • Despite being alloy, it's quite a heavy bike

good padded bicycle seat for seniors

Royce is well known in the cycling industry for producing good quality bikes that are a bit different...this bike is no different!

For people who are after a hardtail mountain bike, this is the one.

We appreciate that color isn't always a key thing when choosing a bicycle for some people but this one is pretty sharp and the colors work well together.

This isn't the only reason we mention the paint job!

The Royce bicycle has received a double paint job so it's well protected from scratches and marks, not to mention rust.

Another reason why this is one of the best mountain bikes for older riders is that it comes with 24-inch wheels.

This gives you plenty of control so can be quite reassuring. If 24-inch isn't your ideal, there is the option to add 26-inch wheels. We'd only really advise this if you're quite tall but do whatever makes you most comfortable!

The Royce Union RTT comes with a front suspension fork, this really works to add to the mountain bikes comfort levels.

Unlike what you'd find on road bikes, this mountain bike comes with trigger shifters for changing gears - nice, easy and simple!

You're not short of gears either as this mountain bike comes with 21! So if you plan to ride the trails or off-road, you should find it to be easier.

Despite all of those features, the best one is the riding position. This is due to the handlebars, that are raised slightly and alters the geometry, something which has proven to be better in bikes for older people.

Ultimately the frame design is there to reduce any shoulder, neck or back pain you could encounter. It also has the added advantage of increase stability too, always a good thing!


  • Upright riding position
  • Good padded seat
  • Shimano components


  • A bit heavy

bicycles for seniors with arthritis

Next up we have a recumbent bicycle.

These are easy ride bikes in the sense that you can adopt a reclined position, this is ideal if you're wanting to reduce any strain on your back or neck.

The thing with a recumbent bicycle is that you get an extremely comfortable seat - this isn't something you can be certain of with other bikes!

Now with these bicycles for seniors with arthritis, there is the downside that you are quite low on the road and this can take a while to get used to - try to stay away from busier roads whilst you're doing this!

The reason why we think it's one of the top bikes for 60 year old + is because of the performance increase we've seen when using these bikes.

They're also an ideal bike if you're wanting to get a cardiovascular workout without adding any strain to your body.

Balancing or stability isn't an issue due to the fact that you're riding a tricycle. Even steering is simplified and done using a dual-joystick. Perhaps sounds odd but actually only requires small hand movements to steer.

You do get a steel frame with this bike so it's incredibly durable.

To finish it off, Mobo Cruiser is based in the USA so you can make sure that any customer queries are dealth with quickly and efficiently.


  • A very comfortable bike to ride
  • Assembly is easy
  • Frame can be extended
  • Offers something different from road bikes


  • Very different to your average bike

best e-bikes for seniors

So if you're looking the best e-bike for seniors, you may have just stumbled upon it!

This is an e-bike that gets great reviews and has plenty of features, including the retro- step-through frame.

It's a bicycle that is designed to make you comfortable, with this in mind the handlebars can be adjusted to help you find the riding position for you.

Suited for either men or women, this e-bike works well for those wanting to cruise as it's fitted with a Shimano 6-speed drivetrain. We appreciate this may not sounds like a lot of gears but as an electric bike, you don't need a huge amount of gears - you aren't doing all of the work!

When you go out for a ride you can take advantage of the 250w motor, which is going to be powerful enough for most adventures.

The reason we think these bikes are some of the best e-bikes for seniors is because not only is the motor powerful enough, it's almost silent - which is not a common thing to find on a bike.

As far as it being a comfort bike, there are plenty of features to help with that. There is a rear rack and the battery is removable, which makes charging it a more simple task.

This bike has a top speed of 25mph and you're looking at a range of around 35miles if you're using the pedal-assist system.


  • Headlight is bright
  • Upright position for riding
  • Shimano drivetrain
  • Maximum user weight of 300lbs


  • Only one color choice

bicycle for seniors with storage

E-Wheels is a brand that seems to lead the way in the development of environmentally friendly e-bikes.

This bike makes our list because it provides the ultimate experience of leisure riding. Ideal for both men or women, it's convenient, smooth and it comes with a basket on the front!

With this bicycle you get a front suspension, this really adds to the comfort levels this ride provides. Don't fancy pedals? You don't have to!

The motor can do it for you.

Speaking of which, it's a 500w motor so it certainly packs a punch. Though do keep in mind that the weight of this bike is quite hefty so the top speed is actually 15mph...that's not a bad thing...15mph average is great!

Believe it or not, not every electric bike is 100% waterproof, this, being one of the best bikes for seniors, is! So there's nothing stopping you from riding your bike when the weather isn't so great.

You do get a nice upright position with this bicycle so you shouldn't worry about neck or back pain.

Range-wise, you're looking at around 20 miles on a full charge - very respectable!


  • Good amount of storage - ideal for shopping
  • Lengthy warranty of 3 years
  • Powerful 500w motor
  • Upright riding position


  • Coaster brakes

Final Verdict

That's it! That's our best bicycle for seniors guide summed up. What did you think?

For us, we favor the Schwinn Discover. It's feature packed and seems to tick many boxes for many people.